Cometas Cruise 2001

mixed news
from here and there...
comments, feedback and press.


Wow! .. thanks for bringing us these images. I, for one, find it inspirational to see the single line designs coming from other parts of the world. It's time for me to get to work and do something different! [Ken McN.]
amtlich geile pics mit suchtfaktor nach mehr ...;-)) greetings [ paul, germania ] Bravo! Wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Columbia has been on my list for a long time. .. [George , usa ]

As always, a little bit of beauty in an otherwise grey existence. Thanks to you, and the Crew. [Paul, Australia]

Thank you! Kiss my friend aquilone kiss [Claudia, for danze, Brasil ]
Looks just like when we were there in 1997.... sure loved the Farmer's Markets with all the beautiful fruit and jugos...yumm yumm yummm thanks for the memories.. xoxoxox [ froggy , usa ] These are GREAT pictures of a wonderful time. I am very happy to have met you. I hope we see each other again soon. [ Ron, usa ]
Thanks for your mail and great pictures, I find Bogota not the best place in the world but I like the children, I have been there a few Times I did like all the other 3 Cities we flew in, one day I will go back, ... Thanks again for the mail hope to catch up with you soon. Best regards [ Ray, usa ] El idioma una limitacion del mundo!! Las cometas la union de amigos!! Los festivales ... la felicidad de todos!! .... Felicidades [ Oscar, Colombia ]
Thank you very much for your mail about Colombia, The pics are very good.... vivan los cometeros. [ Domingo, Espana ] Very seldom our local people being in the another end of the world. .. Of course, your web-site is liked us, ... We are surprised your speed and love to job. Of course I would like to see .. more.
[ Elena, Ukrania ]

I made my time to visit your page,... Terrific your pics!!! Instantly I told Batoco to go to take a look. And when I saw the Medellin's pics I felt a strange feeling 'cos I wanted to be there. We must keep in contact.
[LAlo, Argentina ]

"i liked the page" [Ines , Colombia ]
Euuh, I don't see any fighter on your fotos... Tu sais combien j'y suis sensible ! Sinon, génial, ton site reflète bien le festival. [Henry, Manjha Club Int. ] Dear Tom your picture are beautiful thank for remember this happy days ..
[ Calixto, Chile ]
We will like to thanks ALL of you by been present during the international kite festival held in Colombia. Your passion for kites made possible that our country understands the importance of kites. By your presence in the Simon Bolivar Park it was possible to gather 1.150.000 people (number given officially by the police) around the Plaza de Eventos admiring your dexterity and power. The workshops with youngestrs and children have given a possitive result by creating new kiteflyers. Your presence in Medellin, where we miss some of you, made new relations. For us, we keep going with kite festivals in Cali, Tulua, Ibague and Manizales. Be the wind always with you!!!!! [ Ines, Yaripa ]

[ alejandro, bimana ]



espectador daily bogota
Danke beaucoup pour tes images. Tu travailles vite ! [Henry, France ] congratulations for your page !!!!
[ Julian, Colombia ]

El Colombiano 15 aug 2001
Coloquios de J.M. - Volar como cometas
En la vida las personas podemos aprender muchas cosas de los objetos materiales: ahí está el caso de las cometas. Todos sabemos que para que una cometa pueda elevarse necesita cumplir con cuatro condiciones: una estructura liviana, porque si es muy pesada no alcanza alzar el vuelo, y resistente para aguantar los embates del viento; una mano firme que la haga subir con un tire y afloje; viento en contra, sin el cual se queda en tierra; y por último una cuerda fina que no la deje ir a la deriva. ¿Qué podemos aprender las personas de las cometas? Como ellas, necesitamos tener una estructura resistente, con una personalidad recia para enfrentar con éxito la lucha por la vida, sin tener apego excesivo a las cosas materiales que impiden lograr metas altas. También necesitamos una especie de viento en contra con las dificultades cotidianas, que si se saben afrontar, servirán como elementos de superación. Requerimos de una mano firme que nos dirija y nos enseñe cómo llegar al cielo, estando unidos a ella por el hilo de la fidelidad en todas las circunstancias. En resumen, de las cometas podemos aprender entre otras cosas, una serie de virtudes humanas: reciedumbre, desasimiento, docilidad, valentía, audacia, deseos de llegar a metas altas.

altavista translation:
Colloquies of J.M. - Volar as I commit
In the life the people we can learn many things of the material objects: there it is the case of comets. All we know that so that one commits it can rise needs to fulfill four conditions: a light structure, because if she is very heavy it does not reach to take off, and resistant to hold the attacks of the wind; a hand signs that it makes it raise with throws and relaxes; headwind, without which it remains in earth; and finally a fine cord that does not let it go to the drift. What we can learn the people of comets? Like them, we needed to have a resistant structure, with a strong personality successfully to face the fight by the life, without having excessive attachment to the material things that they prevent to obtain high goals. Also we needed a species headwind with the daily difficulties, that if they are known to confront, will serve like overcoming elements. We required of a hand signs that it directs to us and teaches us how to arrive at the sky, being united to her by the thread of the fidelity in all the circumstances. In summary, of comets we can learn among other things, a series of human virtues: reciedumbre, desasimiento, docilidad, valentía, boldness, desires to arrive at high goals.
Festival de Verano 2001
El Festival lo organiza la Alcaldía Mayor
Institute Distral Recreacion y Deporte
Fecha: Martes 14 de Agosto de 2001
Sección: LA NACION Página: 1-3
A las 6 de la tarde del pasado domingo, la tarima de animación del festival de cometas del barrio Bolívar se derrumbó sin ninguna explicación y una docena de personas resultaron con lesiones menores. Diana Carolina Nieto Román, que se acababa de retirar del sitio, se llenó de angustia. Ella, que tomó ese hecho como una premonición, prefirió no compartir sus pensamientos. A esa hora, en el kilómetro 11, en el sitio Boquerón, el bus conducido por el papá de la adolescente se accidentaba dejando el trágico saldo. Diana Carolina, de 13 años, no pudo ir al paseo que desde hace 12 años organiza la Cooperativa Siglo XX de Tuluá, porque doña Soledad, su abuela, no la dejó ir. Diana, abandonada por su mamá a los 3 años de nacida, se salvó de morir junto a su padre Carlos Albeiro Nieto Muñoz, de 37 años, y sus hermanos Luisa María y José Luis Nieto Barco, además de su madrastra Sayira Barco Rendón de 3, 7 y 26 años respectivamente. La niña dice que su papá no tuvo que ver nada con el accidente. 'El era un experto, toda su vida manejó su propio bus hasta que lo vendió para vivir de la renta', recuerda.
altavista translation:
To 6 of afternoon of the last Sunday, the platform of animation of the comet festival of the district Bolivar collapsed without no explanation and a dozen of people was with smaller injuries. Diana Carolina Grandson Roman, who finished retiring of the site, filled of anguish. She, who took that fact like a premonition, preferred not to share her thoughts. To that hour, in kilometer 11, the site Big hole, the bus drived by the papa of the adolescent accidentaba leaving the tragic balance. Diana Carolina, of 13 years, could not go to the stroll that for 12 years has been organizing Cooperative Century XX of Tuluá, because Do6na Soledad, her grandmother, did not let it go. Morning call, left by its mother to the 3 years of been born, was saved to die next to its father Carlos Albeiro Grandson Mu6noz, of 37 years, and his brothers Luisa Maria and Jose Luis Grandson Boat, in addition to his madrastra Sayira Rendón Boat of 3, 7 and 26 years respectively. The girl says that his papa did not have to do nothing with the accident. ' the era an expert, all its life handled its own bus until it sold it to live on rentá, it remembers.

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