the little wind in Vienna
showed us that peace is WORK.
OSOW in Vienna
on the Danube Island, the weekend of the international kitefestival,
our guest was Nick James and many kitefliers from Austria...
best wishes to all kitefriend in the
gerhard & daniela -- more photos

Århus Kite Club arranges a 2008 OSOW
fly in "Mindeparken", Århus,
Denmark (map)
- Esben Collstrup, God Vind, Århus Drageklub
Best wishes to all friends from Mårten Bondestam
Bobäck, Finland. Did
not get anybody to come.
Flew the Tarzan Cat, a golden cone and the Peacedowe. Veronika
my daughter helped and took some photos of me. All photos are
on 12.10.2008
We flew for osow this year. It was a nice flight. Big hugs
StoF & Richard |
We'll send you pictures from
Paris this sunday - see you
soon - Alex de Saint-Jouan

Les 11 et 12 octobre 2008
à eu lieu la 14 ème édition du festival CERVOLIX
dans le cadre du ONE SKY ONE WORLD. De nombreux Cervolistes se
sont réunie sur le Plateau
de Gergovie pour célébrer ce rendez-vous
annuel consacré à la paix. Plus de 30 000 visiteurs
ont fait le déplacement. Le soleil lui même était
de la fête. Merci à tous les cervolistes, pilotes,
animateurs et bénévoles qui ont participé
à la réusite de ce beau week end. Bruno


fly./out : over aachen
"one sKisa"
Ich war heut auch
fleissig fliegen am "Fliegenschwammerhäuschen"
in Marktleuthen/Oberfranken.
Wegen Windmangels bin ich dann aufs CABRIO-SCUBI-Fliegen umgestiegen.
gruss silke .
one world..
die fotos sind gerade erst 3 h alt.
gruesse aus dem ruhrpott
tagir und patric .
++ ...happy birthday kisa ++
It's October again and we take part in the world-wide OSOW event.We
didn't win the world championship in football, but today Erdmannshain
in Saxony, near Leipzig, in Germany plays football for peace all
over the world.
- more
photos soon -
- thema OSOW
Am Sonntag, dem
12.10, fanden sich in Wuppertal
ca. 40 Leute zusammen, um OSOW zu zelebrieren.Es wurde jongliert,
sich zugeprostet, geraucht und gechillt - nur Drachen flogen eher
wenig wegen Windmangel.
Dafür wurde das Gelände, ein ehemaliger Truppenübungsplatz,
exorziert - out, demons, out !

'Internationaler Flugtag für den Frieden
"One sky, one world"
Drachenfest in Bebra-Iba,
gruss bernhard
Dear Kiteflyer Friends, We flied together It was a good weather,
good wind, beautiful sunshine! We celebrated the OSOW (Egy Ég
Egy Föld) in Mátyásföld,
Budapest. It was a perfect day! Together- with family,
children, grandparents and friends, in peace, to be free.
The photos coming soon...:D But see one photo! See ya! From Hungary,
3S Sárkányereszto Baráti Társaság
- sarkanyereszto
- samugyuri
- sarkany
- Flower
- cosmomiki71
- Corvus
This year we are going
to celebrate OSOW in Romania again, more precisely at the local
Children's Club (clubcopiihateg) HATEG, Hunedoara county, Romania.
Steady winds, KÖVESSI Zsolt |
2007 web gallery -
web gallery - |
dalle campagne della Sardegna!!
a 5 minuti da casa, pensandovi tanto tanto...
auguri speciali per un felice OSOW compleanno
Tanti Baci e Abbracci
Ciao ... today fly for one sky one world
fate l'amore non fate la guerra!!!!!
ciao, Marco Casadio .
Happy birthday Kisa ...........grossen

we wait for OSOW 2008 we fly in rezzato botticino
-- noi voliamo per la pace nel mondo noi voliamo per simone --

i send you report of eighth Osow in savona
- Italy. It was a sunny and windy day, with a lot of peaceful
friends, playing
with kites on the nice beach of Savona.
All the best from 30kiteclub, and thanks
for your job on osow. - Giancarlo.
will celebrate this with a small festival, pictures on monday. -
- Here a movie
from our 12 Ocotber kite flying.
- stephen versteegh :) |
< Yvonne Oerlemans, Amsterdam.
My contribute to One Sky OneWorld.
Thanks for spreading the kites over the world.
come and see my exhibition FINIMAL at the Salon Arti et Amicitiae
, Rokin 112, 31/10
Or for my performance on 1/11, A shade of a talk at Studio Pulchri,
Den Haag
regards in the World Day of Kite.
Andrzej M.
Break-in news.
We've had a gorgeous OSOW day with 47 schoolchildren and wonderful
adult helpers from the local Children's Club (Clubul Copiilor,
Hateg, Hunedoara County,
Romania). Best regards to everyone,
KÖVESSI Zsolt (Hungary) www.